Merry Christmas to Sokoban.dk’s few faithfull followers from Rudolph.
The skin is Robert Vasizeks WinSoko altered for Christmas. Hope he will forgive me. It is time for forgiving, isn’t it 😉
Find Rudolph here and the Winsoko skins here.
2016-12-21 A “new” collection for Christmas: Put together my Sokoban numbers levels in a small collection. You will also find the collection at LetsLogic so you can compete for the lowest score even if you have solved the levels before.
Title: Kevin
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Thought the goal area looked nice in Kevin B. Reillys level 78. Ended up with something completely different. Not a remodel but a brand new puzzle.
Date: 2016-09-12
Skin: Gerry Wiseman – Heavy Metal. Heavy Metal comes in two different versions. This one is the oldest.
Find the puzzle here.
Title: Not Easy
Comment: It is not easy.
Skin: YSokoban.
Download puzzle here.
And why not check out YSokobans homepage?
No more than 24 hours per day. So you will only get a new puzzle this time.
Title: Toppoint
Date: 2016-09-16
Get the puzzle here.
The name of the skin is not Halloween but Glowing Pumpkins by Ticko.
Several topics that deserve attention: A new version of YASC published a month ago, new collections at LetsLogic, 90th MF8-competition kicked off last week.
My time is limited so this time you will only get a new puzzle. Not very difficult. Anyone below 676? Title: Kreta
Comment: Just happened to be on Kreta
Date: 2016-10-08
BDE skin used for Philippe Galmels Sokoban player. Not updated since 2009 but you will still find the player on the net.
Find the puzzle here.
Title: Dev42
Comment: Final puzzle was draft no. 42
Date: 2015-11-19
Skin: Allan B Liss from “Sokoban for Windows” 1992
Find puzzle here and skin here
Visit Sokofun.de around the 15th of each month and you can play a new challenging puzzle by Mik.
Ever played David Dahlems puzzles ?
Title: Rising Sun
Comment: A brand new puzzle by DrFogh. Never published before.
Date: 2016-08-12
Skin: Go2016
You might find this skin in other versions on the net. I found the original graphics in a Sokoban program named Sokoban2 by Kohn. Here the walls are remade seamless, the goals got a more Go-like look and the graphics have been refreshed.
Find GO 1016 in the skin section.
And find Rising Sun here.
Title: Numbers
Comment: Do you think it was too easy solving the numbers one by one? Try them all in one puzzle.
PS: You will find a small surprise in the level file. Go to Numbers
The 89th MF8 Competition just started. Bet you will be able to solve at least one of the puzzles
Time for the final puzzle in Numbers. You might have guessed it is “Nine”. Enjoy.
Skin: Nightshift by Gerry WisemanGo to Numbers
Title: Six
Skin: Nightshift by Gerry WisemanGo to Numbers
Screen.77 from “Original Extra”:
Sorry. Mistake. Screen.77 from “Original Extra”:
Did you expect “Nine” ? Sorry to disappoint you
Why does YASS(Yet Another Sokoban Solver) only need a fraction of a second to solve screen.50 in theXSokoban easy edition at the left. And doesn’t solve screen.50 Original Original version at right at all?
I haven’t got the answer but you can read something about solvers and optimizers if you continue here.
Please comment and supply with anything you know.
The 88th MF8 competition
No. This is not a MF8 puzzle but something to catch your attention. The 88th MF8 competition started yesterday. Why not go there and participate.
When you have finished the puzzles at MF8 come back here and play the above puzzle, MF888.
Want to use the above skin with your favorite Sokoban Program? You can read a little about Borgar and the skins here. And download the skin(s) in the Common Skin format.
Ghislain Martin arguably is the person who has developed most Sokoban programs. During the years it has been Sokostation 1 to 5, Sokobanized and Sokoban Factory 1 to 2.
8 Sokoban programs but that is obviously not enough. Just stumbled across a new program, Sokostation 6, at Ghislains homepage.
I will certainly try it.
And George Petrov released the fourth update this year for YSokoban. Version 1.815. Watch for updates since you will get nice new features. Actually this version has been out since 2016-07-15 so you better start watching out for 1.816 🙂
Can’t keep an eye on everything. Eg. know next to nothing about the Android or Apple scene. If you have any knowledge about Sokoban worth sharing, new or old, please inform me and I will publish it on this site.
Time for another one. Zorry. Zero.
Forgot Pacman ? And what did he do in Sokoban ?
An easy one:
Tired of blurred versions of Scott Lindhurst’s MacIntosh skin? Despair not. I found crisp original graphics deep in the files of Sokoban++. Just have a look:

Did a little pixel cleanup and couldn’t avoid adding a small animation.
Actually it was pretty good before. But click on the image and have a look at the corners and colors.
Somebody might better like the soft blurred look usually made by Windows’ “smoothening” low res images. Not me.
Download the skins here.
More than 10 years ago John C. Davis made a few Sokoban puzzles.
And among others the skin Snooker.
Collection: JCD Levels
Title: Level 1
Hmm. Found a clear fault in one of the puzzles in Accumulated1. Who can spot it? No it is not the extra blocks in 29 or 42. They are for the design. And no it is not the Diamond 9×9 even if you dont like this kind of puzzles 😉
Stumbled on the skin above. An ugly looking Sokoban from the Linux program XSok by Michael Bischoff from 1994. You can still download and play the game. If you got a Linux computer of course.
If you want a challenge for the next few hours, try my new collection DrFogh – Accumulated1No, it isn’t only chessboards and diamonds 🙂
With kind permission from the author and with the work from Paul Voyer the levelsets for Brainsport Extreme and Sokoban Extreme was published at LetsLogic.com.
The levelsets seem to be autogenerated, probably with a human touch afterwards. You will find some rough diamonds in the sets. With a tiny bit of polish you get a perfect gem like this:Skin: Sokoban Extreme.
Read more here
An addition to Numbers
Go to Numbers
2016-07-10 (rev 2016-07-14)
Gerald Holler made the program Sokoban97. Later changed the name to the probably more well known Sokomind.
The skin has long been adapted as common skin named Sokomind with unoriginal walls and floors.
The skin is here remade in two versions. One rectangular as in the original skin only usable with YASC. And one rewamped to square format as common skin usable with YASC and YSokoban. Only the square version is animated so far.

Go to Skins>The Collection for downloads.
Time to get on with my collection Numbers Title: Five
Skin: Gerry Wiseman – Nightshift A
Round 87 of the ongoing MF8 competition started. Here a sneak peak at the main level.
Title: SBM AD 30 gx2a (MF8 87th Sokoban Competition, Main)
Author: TIAOA + gyjgw
Already solved one day later. Go to competition.
Back in 2012 Lasse Nilsson made two collections, Sokolasse and Simply. Now he is back with Sokolasse2. A collection with big classic fairly easy puzzles.
Sokolasse 2 Level 14
Skin: Marble Magic by Gerry Wiseman
Time for Dushi 12 by Eric F. Tchong
Title: Pistol
Skin: Games4Brains by Jan Reinke
Vitaly Pinchuk published a brand new skin, Monty, at the Sokoban Discussion Group at Yahoo.com. And permitted me to publish it here. Thanks.
Title: Four
Skin: Gerry Wiseman – Nightshift A
Comment: My internetprovider had some troubles so you get a new level because I could make Sokoban puzzles off line.
Go to Numbers
Why not try some other stuff ?
I made a new puzzle for the collection Numbers. You might be interested in the development.
Why not choose three as the second puzzle in the collection Numbers?
Title: Three
Skin: Gerry Wiseman – Nightshift A
Go to Numbers
Thought you would like a new puzzle
Title: Eight
Skin: Gerry Wiseman – Nightshift A
Comment: Might be the first one in a small collection. 10 puzzles might be a qualified guess 🙂
Go to Numbers
Like Boxworld?
Try this.
New is the nicely animated skin Bejeweled. You find it on this page and in the skin section
The page Rocks ‘n’ Diamond has been changed conciderably. You might want to reread it.
And a small locomotive to play with below
Title: The Little Train
Skin: Bejeweled
Comment: A1Master came up with a little challenge at LetsLogic.com. This level will surely not even be a runner up but I like it anyway.
The page Rocks ‘n’ Diamond has been changed conciderably. You might want to reread it.
Right now you might want to look at the skin section. Yesterday I only got a molested version of the skin Japan by Tanaka Nicos cut to the right dimensions for Visual Sokoban. But Paul Voyer send me the original graphics so I could make a working version for YASC and YSokoban. Added some wallwork and a little animation by the way. Hope you enjoy it.
If you like crosses, I added a small collection with this theme.
Collection/Title: Crosses/Just Pop The Bottle
Comment: A fresh one just made it for this collection.
Here I solved the puzzle for you so you dont have to ask for a solution 🙂
This puzzle is certainly solvable without moving all the blocks. But how many can you avoid moving? Best man or woman will get his/her name here:
You have to mail me the solution of course.
Title: Elegance
Comment: An elegant unexpected solution just popped out.
Date: 2015-09-22
Why not try some Lines ?
New puzzles? Follow the arrow
Now some commercials
Title: McDonalds
Comment: Sorry. Wasn’t patient enough to get this one 100% right so you can solve it without moving a few blocks. But which ones?
Date: 2016-02-21
Go to Commercial
Title: Working Out Rev
Author: Chaib + Tyge Fogh
Comment: Original level found at Game-Sokoban.com. A slight revision is pushing up the difficulty. First at SokobanOnline.
Date: 2015-08-28
Go to Remodels1
Title: 59 Tough
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Published on SokobanOnline.com. You would never guess, but started as a revision of Ecoyorineko Level 2 from Game-Sokoban.com Date: 2015-12-28
Many Sokoban authors have done some letters. Some the whole alfabet.
Here is my Q
Title: Q
Comment: Published on SokobanOnline.com
Go to Sokobet