Original puzzle game written by Hiroyuki Imabayashi © 1982 by THINKING RABBIT Inc. JAPAN ©

How to play Sokoban * Contact DrFogh * Sokoban Group

Enjoy Sokoban? Enjoy solving Sokoban puzzles?
This might be a place for you. You will occasionally, hopefully often, find a new level or two here.
And you will find other stuff about Sokoban added if the author finds it worthwhile and finds the time.


Scorpio (Denmark : Skorpionen United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Scorpius)
The 8th zodiac sign. October 24 to November 21.
Scorpio at Britannica

Title: Scorpio
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2024-09-01
Skin: Beemann
Zodiac: Assets-global.website-files.com

This one is easy. So easy I found the only boxwall myself.
If you get stuck the solvers will not help you.

I knew Gemini was not without flaws but so many ?
Kevin29 and Premyzl Zika found lots of boxwalls (and a single floorwall) in different solutions. It might be possible to finde other solutions with even more boxwalls.

Solution by Kevin29 left. By Premyzl Zikas right

The authors problem is way to many connections between parts of the level (marked with arrows) 🙁


And Anian found several more boxwalls and floorwalls 🙁 I hadn’t found all the shortcuts. The last screenshot from Anian:

If you played YASC20 Rev2 you will know you need to move Box3 to solve the level. And you need to get out of the Y to do so. You can work your way through the unused areas above. Or you can make the simple moves illustrated and presto…Box3 is free to move left and open up the right side of the level.

So Box1 needs to be blocked from moving right in some way. I found my way. Meanwhile Anian did the same and suggested a more elegant way by simply moving the only box not on goal from one Y to the other Y. Elegant detail implemented in the last version of YASC20:

Title:  Yasc20 rev3
Author: DrFogh + Anian
Date: 2024-08-07

I changed the skin. Boxworld is not a beautiful skin. But it simply shows a level better than probably any other skin.

Notice the box not on goal and the goal are just one floor apart. Not much work to do 🙂

I included a few changes to the level upper right and lower left so you need to move a few more boxes.

YSokoban shows you what is not needed to move in my best solution (1311/270). Immovable boxes are normalized in the screenshot below:

You can probably find a shorter solution and find a few more boxes not needed to move.

But can you find more floors not needed to use ?


Found a boxwall. 1412/320


My last YASC20 was even crappier than the first one. And I decided to keep it on my harddisk 4 more years before publishing a revised level.

But as in American politics: “4 more years!” are 4 years to many.

So I looked for  something better.
Title: YASC20 Rev2
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Remodel of a crappy remodel
Date: 2024-08-03

Below you can study how Anian found several ways to solve the level without using big parts of the level.

Anian – Worse
Anian – Worst

These screenshots are actually a great help to find weak spots.

I think I plugged the biggest holes. But I have been proven wrong before.

I am sure you can find more boxes you don’t need to touch than I did.

With a little patience you will probably easily beat my best score: 1444/324.

In the level file you will find the level of course. And the level with immovable boxwalls and deadlocks changed to walls.

What YSokoban found with my solution in the normalized and deadlocked level



I liked my new Yasc20. And then Anian send me this:

Anian – Bad

Needs 4 more years on my harddisk.


A few years ago it was YASCs 20th birthday and I made a hastily produced rather crappy level to celebrate.

A few authors thought it could be improved. I agree wholeheartedly. You can find a result at LetsLogic.com. The layout has been broken but the level is funnier to solve.

I intended to make a decent remodel and after lingering on my harddisk for 4 years I think the result is worth publishing.

Title: YASC20 Rev1
Author: DrFogh + DrFogh
Comment: Remodelled a crappy hastily published level.
Date: 2024-07-28

There are a lot of boxwalls and floorwall in the level. Below what YSokoban recognized in my best solution (1073/288).

I stoned boxwalls and floorwalls not possible to use/move.

You find the stoned/normalized version in the levelfile. Convenient if you want to hunt for more boxwalls/floorwalls.

If you find solutions with more boxwalls and/or floorwalls shown above I would like to know.


Gemini (Denmark : Tvillingerne. United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Twins)
The third zodiac sign. May 21 to June 20.
Gemini at BritannicaTitle: Gemini
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2024-07-14
Skin: Beemann
Zodiac: Assets-global.website-files.com

I found 3 boxwalls(boxes not needed to move. No floorwalls(floors not needed to use). If you find more please tell me.

Not solved by any solver.

My best solution 558/154.

Update on Aries: No boxwalls found but Kevin29 found 2 different variations with one floorwall:

The holidays are finished for me so the next zodiac will not be around for a while.


Aries (Denmark : Vædderen. United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Ram)
The first zodiac sign. March 21 to April 19.
Aries at Britannica

Title: Aries
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2024-06-30
Skin: Beemann
Zodiac: Assets-global.website-files.com

I didn’t find any boxwalls or floorwalls. Can you ?

The solvers didn’t solve Aries.

My best performance 505/110.

Update: Festival solved not only the original Taurus but also Taurus Sharpen BW6FW2.


Yes. More. YZCS wasn’t finished.

Title:  Taurus Sharpen BW5FW3
Author: DrFogh+Kevin29+YZCS
Date: 2024-06-26

A new wall at D7 and F11 had to be kept open.

My best solution for the original Taurus is 414/108. The solution for this sharpened level is close to doubled at 792/128.


By pushing and moving around a lot more you can solve Taurus in different ways. Moving less boxes and using less floors.

Kevin29 and YZCS helped with making these 3 sharpened levels:

From left to right Kevin29+DrFogh, YZCS and YZCS+DrFogh

Never figured that out when i constructed the level.

Download the Taurus Sharpen collection here.

Any more?


Taurus (Denmark : Tyren. United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Bull)
The 2nd zodiac sign. April 20 to May 20.
Taurus at Britannica

Title: Taurus
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2024-06-18
Skin: Beemann
Zodiac: Assets-global.website-files.com

2 Boxwalls (=Boxes not needed to move). Can you find more ?

Good news for cheaters: Festival solved the puzzle.

My best solutions: Moves 414/108. Pushes 474/106


My levels are often solved in unexpected ways and you can often find floors not needed to use and boxes not needed to move.

The Zodiac Sharpen Collection so far:

Left Cancer Sharpen BW6FW2-A by YZCS. Right Cancer Sharpen BW6FW2-B by Anian
Left Cancer Sharpen BW6FW2-C by cjcjc. Right Cancer Sharpen BW5FW2 by Kevin29


Aquarius Sharpen BW4FW2 by Kevin29


Sharpen = Unused boxes and floors are changed into walls. Nothing else is allowed.

Only changes that are obviously not just scenery are counted.
BW = A box that can be changed into a wall
FW = A floor that can be changed into a wall


Aquarius (Denmark : Vandmanden. United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Water Bearer)
The 11th zodiac sign. January 20 to February 18
Aquarius at BritannicaTitle: Aquarius
Author: DrFogh
Comment: 3 boxes and 1 floor can be stoned apart from the obvious.
Date: 2024-06-08
Skin: Beemann

The obvious boxes not needed to move and floors not needed to use are marked below:
If you solve the level and let YASC optimize it you will probably find one or two of the boxes not needed to move. But how about the third? I guess there will not be a fourth, but please let me know if you find it.

I’m pleased to announce you need to solve the level yourself. The solvers can’t help you.

By the way: I know two optimizers: YASC and JSoko. Of which the best one is YASC by far. Anybody know other optimizers?


Astrology is a highly questionable topic but here are some facts:
Cancer (Denmark : Krebsen. United Kingdom / United States : UK/USA: Crab)
The 4th zodiac sign. June 22 to July 22.
Cancer at Britannica
Title: Cancer
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You might easily find 7 boxes not needed to touch. Can you find one more?
Date: 2024-05-31

You can spot 4 boxes not needed to move and two floors not needed to solve the level right away.
If you solve Cancer in YASC and use the optimizer  YASC will probably finde 3 boxes more not needed to touch. And two unneeded floors.
The two boxes upper left are easy to find:

And YASC will probably find the third for you.

Can you spot the fourth ?

Please let me know if you find a fifth box not needed to touch.

You need to solve the level yourself. The solvers can’t help you.


Making “It’s All Greek” i didn’t bother to make most of the capital letters since they are the same as the normal latin letters. Maybe catching up I present to you….. (Drums) ….. Big Alpha !

Title: BigAlpha
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2024-05-17
Skin: YSokoban Decorated C

Any dead boxes and/or unused floors? It is obvious H10, H11 and I11 are only for decorative purposes. Less obvious is that you don’t need to move the boxes at H7 and J10.

This is how the solved levels look in YSokoban:

Only Sokolution found a solution with J10 movable (Left image).
With J10 stoned (Right image) no solver found a solution.

My best with J10 movable 397/70
My best with J10 stoned 407/74

You can probably beat that but I don’t think (often proven wrong before) you will find more boxes not needed to move.


Title: Easter 2024-6wall2
Author: DrFogh, 油纸成伞
Best moves: 447/153
Best pushes: 459/149

3 sokoban entusiast on the other side of The World had a look at my Easter level and came up with 6 boxes not needed to move. One more than me. And more  surprising two floors not needed to use.

I didn’t find the box at D9. And certainly didn’t fint the unneeded floors at J3 and K3.

Fascinating. Solutions are more than 100 moves longer just by adding walls at J3 and K3.

You find three more unneeded floors in the level above. Not hard to find. Really not part of the challenge.

Thanks for the interest and thanks for the file with 6 modifications with solutions for everything.

I think it is OK to share the file here. Without solutions of course 🙂


Happy Easter

All eggs hatched except one. Can you help The Easter Bunny?

Title: Easter 2024
Author: DrFogh
Comment: 5 dead boxes. Can you find them?
Date: 2024-03-08

My best solution with everything movable 335/15. With 5 dead boxes 335/19.


Remodelling AC2024/level3 I didn’t notice I made a gaping hole between the north and the west wing so you can solve the level going partly clockwise and partly anticlockwise.
I remodelled the level once more and now the level can only be solved going anticlockwise.
And the level got a little bit harder. At least for the solvers. Not even Festival can solve the new remodel.
No extra floors. Just moved two as illustrated below.

Title: AC2024/Level3 Remodel 2
Author: AC and DrFogh
Date: 2024-02-18
Skin: Boxworld Red


Andrej Cerjac just made a nice circular level:

The Original

Title: AC2024/Level 3
Author: (DrFogh) + AC
Date: 2024-01-25

Titulated me as coauthor (Thank you) but the level is completely new. Only with a design slightly similar to my circular level “Club”.

But there is more >>>


I made some circular levels before, but started seriously making these for a collection april 2019.
I decided I needed 50+ levels for the collection and this obviously took some time.
But now the collection “Circular Challenge” is finished nearly 4 years later.
The levels in the collection are not in chronological order, but arranged with small but not necessarily easiest levels first. And then growing in size and probably mostly also in difficulty. For that purpose I renumbered the levels so the level numbers do not correspond with the original numbering. Sorry, but I guess you will manage.
Quite a few sokoban entusiasts have suggested changes and improvements. I am very thankful for that. Some flaws has been corrected and better levels are the result. Thanks a lot.
Most of the levels have been published at sokoban.dk

Title: CC39 Flacon 6
Author: DrFogh
Comment: The last addition to the collection.
Date: 2024-01-06
Skin: Boxworld 29×10 2016 by Jeng Jong Liang and Tyge Fogh

Download Circular Challenge here

Download and play as you wish.
Don’t publish uninteresting variations.
You are the judge.
Give proper credit.

Upcoming: Circular Challenge Extra

Happy New Year 2024

Scranton Fireworks


Merry Christmas from the staff at Sokoban.dk

Title: Christmas2023
Author: DrFogh
Comment: A circular level with a few boxes not needed to move and lots of boxes not moveable at all. Easy for a semiexperienced Sokoban player.
Date: 2023-12-24
Skin: Cubism 1 by Beemann

Both Sokolution and Festival solved the level after some thought.
And YASO(Yet Another Sokoban Optimizer) reachet the same fewest moves (274/94) and fewest pushes (544/66) optimizing both solutions.


A little late but anyway: Happy Easter

Title: Easter 2023
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Even americans can afford these eggs. They are free.
Date: 2023-04-22
Skin: Easter by Brian Damgaard

2023-03-18 Radioactivity Time
Revised 2023-04-17

More than half a year ago I published Radioactivity version 1. Quite a lot of flaws and on Anians suggestions I made a lot of changes, reduced the floors by 12 and made a much better level but didn’t publish it.
Much to my surprise I found a rather well done remake  by Eric F Tchong/Rikitin/Jack… on Letslogic. And actually gave Eric credit for that.
Too good to be true. I forgot I published the revised level version 2 in my article about notheworthy authors 2022.
So no credit given. I can still apologize for harsh words but for nothing else.
I looked at the level one more time and found a few more possible changes and reduced the floors by another 3. Published on LetsLogic as version 3.
Thanks to Archanfel and Andrej Cerjac for providing me with their solutions. Way shorter than mine. That often means a circular level have some great flaws but lucily not this time. From version 2 to version 3. From version 1 to version 2? Oh oh.
And now to my great pleasure, Xian made a version 4 with the floors reduced by another 12.
Can you spot all the changes?

Title: Radioactivity v1
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You will find some dead boxes
Date: 2022-07-26

Title: Radioactivity v2
Comment: Anian suggested some changes. 12 floors stoned.
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2023-03-16

Title: Radioactivity v3
Author: DrFogh
Comment: 3 more boxes stoned
Date: 2023-03-17

Title: Radioactivity v4
Author: DrFogh + 闲(XIAN)
Comment: And yet another 12 floors stoned.
Date: 2023-03-18

Skin by Beemann

Download the levels here. If you solve version 4 you have solved them all.

End of improvement? Maybe but you can make a version with even fewer floors. Please do. But only by adding walls. Nothing else allowed.


Who made the levels you try to solve?

Follow the link and find a list(not complete) of authors that published new levels 2022


Happy New Year 2023

Boston University New Year 2023



Merry Christmas from the staff at Sokoban.dk

Title: Christmas 2022 – Sokosanta
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2022-12-18
Skin: Winsoko Xmas by Robert Vasisek (and Tyge Fogh). With a little twist to make Sokosanta look better.

No, this is not a circular level. I solved Sokosanta for you. Do you want to give it a try yourself? Click here


Started the Circular Challenge series more than 3 years ago.
Maybee it is time to make a collection…

Title:  Circular Challenge 50 – Radioactivity
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You will find some dead boxes
Date: 2022-07-26
Skin: Beemann

Feel free to contact me if you find unnecessary floors, serious weeknesses I might be able to cure or any other comments. And how many dead boxes do you find?


Not much happening here but at least I can treat you with an easteregg and wish you a happy easter!
The level is no match for a experienced Sokoban player and you don’t need to move all the boxes. Your challenge will be how many boxes you can leave untouched. My record is 16 so far but you might find more.

Title: Easter 2022
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2022-04-13
Skin: Easter by Brian Damgaard


Ever wondered which countries plays Sokoban? Quite a few I think. At least Sokoban.dk had visits from more than 100 different countries 2021 according to the statistics below:


Happy New Year 2022

Fireworks in Copenhagen


Merry Christmas from the staff at Sokoban.dk

Title: Christmas 2021 – Christmas Cane
Author: DrFogh
Comment: The downloadable made fat so every Sokoban program understands.
Date: 2021-12-17
Skin: Christmas Boxworld

Christmas Canes are way more popular than covid vaccinations in The United States. 1.76 billions eaten per year compared to some 500 millions shots.
Who invented the christmas cane? Nobody really know but you can read more here.

PS: The above graphics are the level solved. Otherwise it would be much to easy.


Not much happening here at Sokoban.dk the last half year or so. While that didn’t happen YASC had it’s 20th birthday.
Congratulations Brian Damgaard.
As a gift for Brian I made a brand new Sokoban level:

Title: YASC 20 Years (Circular Challenge level ?)
Author: DrFogh
Comment: A tribute to Brian Damgaard and YASC at the 20th birthday (YASCs birthday:)
Date: 2021-12-04
Skin: Games4Brains

I have some christmas challenges for you:

1. Solve the level. You are welcome to use a solver. Give it a hundred hours or so. If any solver succeeds I will send you a box of Tuborg Julebryg for free. If not you can enjoy the advertisment for said beer below.

2. Without corrupting the layout of the boxes and without changing the size (38*17) can you make a better level? That means more boxes needed to be moved (Now it is 65 with my best solution. Might be lower) and/or a longer solution.. Change everything you want within the given conditions. If you use my level as a template I guess much could be done around C, F and 0. If you grab the challenge then send me both the new layout and solution.

3. How few boxes do you need to move and still solve the level?. This competition can be extended to any variants I publish from the second challenge. Solution needed to compete.

4./5. You can always compete for the fewest moves and fewest pushes if you care. You are welcome to provide me with solutions. But I gusss I will publish the level at letslogic.com in a not very far future.

Hope and peace. Green. Isn’t it ?

Title: Circular Challenge – Peace
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Yes. You are right. You need not move everything to solve the level.
Date: 2021-05-30

This time you get a brand new level. Please use an autosolver 🙂 Give Sokolution and/or Festival a few hours. And then try to find a solution yourself.

Is the level solvable with an extra wall at R8?
Actually I guess it is but i haven’t wholeheartedly tried (The sun is shining in Denmark).
You will find the modified level in the level file.
Give it a try if it is raining or snowning in your country and you have some time to spend.
If you make it send me a solution( bjertrup58@gmail.com). Or just tell me it is solvable and I will give it another try.

Not much activity here for the last month or so. Actually I only made two new levels the last half year…
So you will have to be content with som old stuff. Kind of a tribute to Diceman who made some hundred nice levels on Sokobanonline. And then disappeared…
Hopefully he will be back soon. And while we wait you can put your mitts on these levels:
Left Level:
Title: Circular Challenge – Alice
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Idea from Diceman (If you can say a straght line of boxes is
an idea from anywhere)
Date: 2020-05-16

Right Level:
Title: Circular Challenge – Remodel
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Same box layout as Alice in Wonderland 50 by Diceman.
Does that make the level a remodel?
And if I tell you the box layout is found widely as a part of a level
but only stand alone as in Dicemans level and in mine?
Date: 2020-05-24

The Level File

The Skin: Boxworld Red by Jeng Jong Liang and Tyge Fogh

Time for the Easter bunny to roam your garden and put some eggs in the baskets.

Title: Easter 2021
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Yes. At least 2 boxes need not be moved.
Date: 2021-04-04
Skin: Easter by Brian Damgaard

QuotePilgrim made a really good looking high resolution version of the classic skin Go. Appropriately named Goban (=Go Board) You will find two versions at QuotePilgrims Googledrive

Title: Circular Challenge 38 – @
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Only Festival managed to solve this level.
Date: 2020-06-28
Skin: Goban Seamless by QuotePilgrim

An unofficial(Nothing is official in Sokoban except for what comes from Sokoban.jp) codex for the format of  Sokoban level is enclosed in every Sokoban level file created from YASC. The by far most frequently downloaded Sokoban player in the world. Find the codex here as a textfile for reference


Title: Circular Challenge 31 – Replug
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Just push the cork into the bottle and back again
Date: 2020-05-01
Skin: Circles HD by QuotePilgrim. Original by Ariel Rodrigues


QuotePilgrim made a bunch of nice high resolution skins. Among others you will find a reworked verision of one of my favorites, Circles by Ariel Rodrigues.

You find the skins at QuotePilgrims Google drive


QuotePilgrim askede me to put the skins on Sokoban.dk. I will be very pleased to do that but it will wait a bit until I have time for an overhaul of the skin part of the site.

Mostly for the nerds 🙂
Anian pointed out my test results for “Just for Fun” couldn’t possibly be correct.
Actually I tested the level with the Sokoban at E5 and later decided the level looked nicer with the Sokoaban at E6.
And changed the solutions manually but not the “count”.
Retesting I came to these results:

		Solution	Moves		Pushes
Festival	414/78		261/78		287/72
Sokolution	892/160		289/78		289/78
YASS		536/104		261/78		287/72
JSoko		1612/248	261/78		287/72
Takaken		533/98		261/78		287/72

Given some extra time and a wider vicinity search, YASO eventually was able to reduce the solution reached by Sokolution to 261/78 and 287/72 as well.

  • Comparing the solvers with no obvious proof of anything I notice
    • Sokolution and Festival are very close to each other at solving capacity but probably Festival is a tiny bit better.
    • If both Sokolution and Festival finds a solution, Sokolution usually is much the fastest.
    • YASS and JSoko comes out second to Sokolution and Festival. And are quite equal with YASS on the top most of the time. YASS is usually faster than JSoko.
    • Takaken is unclassified compared to the rest of the bunch. Usually it finds a solution fast or gives up fast.
    • I still find levels only one solver is able to solve.
    • YASS is best at finding a level unsolvable. Sokolution and Festival often just reach “Time out”

I only know two optimizers. YASO and the optimizer in JSoko. YASO consistently find better optimizations than JSoko.

Somebody published Carlos Montiers level from the Wikipedia article on Sokoban at SokobanOnline. Instead of  just deleting it, the level was marked as “Just for fun” because you can watch the solution on the Internet. A mark normaly reserved for levels that has no challenge at all for even the weakest human Sokoban solver.
Then thousands of levels should be marked as “Just for fun” since you find thousands of solutions on the internet. And many of them animated on Youtube, eg. all the levels from the Original Collection by Thinking Rabbit.
And how about autosolvable levels? No fun either. Mark them as “Just for fun”.
I decided to make my own “Just for fun” level.
(Give it a try before you use the autosolver)
justforfunTitle: Circular Challenge 42 – Just For Fun
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2020-11-29
Skin: Go+

Below results for differet solvers. Solutions optimized by the YASC optimizer YASO.

		Solution	Moves		Pushes
Festival	501/96		261/77		287/71
Sokolution	891/160		287/71		287/71
YASS		537/103		261/77		279/73
JSoko		1661/242	261/77		287/71
Takaken		533/98		261/77		287/71

Can you beat the optimizer?

The Frontpage 2020 >