Merry Christmas from the staff at Sokoban.dk
Title: Candle/Christmas2018
Comment: Started as an attempt to make It’s All Greek – Big Theta.
Constructed way before time.
Date: 2018-03-23
Skin: Aymeric du Peloux
Depending on which Sokoban Player you use, which background you use and which skin you use the level will be presented differently. Not allways as beautiful as here using YASC with black background and the skin Aymeric du Peloux (With black for floors).
“Winter is coming”. The Starks motto in “Game of Thrones”. Or is it “Christmas is coming”? Time to flash a Sokoban chrismas skin together with one of the last entries in “It´s All Greek”
Title: It-s All Greek -Rho
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-05-28
As always suggestions for changes to make a better level are welcome.
By the way Anian found 6 dead boxes and 4 unused floors in Theta so you will surely get a revised level in a not to distant future.
You can give your favorite Sokoban program a litte Christmas look. The graphics Christmas.png below is usable with YASC, JSoko and XSokoban.
Easiest with XSokoban. Just drag the graphics to the XSokoban window! Else copy the graphics to the Skin folder in your Sokoban program.
Why not finish Theta by publishing the small one right away. Actually the small one are bigger than the big one and vice versa.
Well, Small Theta are so big and has so many big areas that it will surprise me if you really need to move everything. I didn’t succed but give it a try and give me a call if you find dead boxes and superfluous floors.
Title: Theta
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-03-14
Actually the big one is solvable in a smaller version. Anian took the time I didn’t to explore if the room at the left was a lille bit to big. And actually it was. The floors at A7 and A8 are superfluous. And you will find you don’t need to move the box at H8 by the way.
Test your skills on Big and Small Thetas in the collection The Three Thetas
Title: It’s All Greek – Big Theta
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Just do everything right and you solve the level in less than
220 moves.
Date: 2018-04-06
Skin: XSokoban
A new challenge to get everything in the right place. Enjoy.
Please inform me of any dead boxes or superfluous floors. Then I will try to change the level.
Did you spot the superfluous floors in Upsilon? I didn’t but Anian did. If you have a closer look upper right it is obvious the floors at J3 and J4 are unneccesary.
Find the correction in the collection “It’s All Greek” to be published in a probably not distant future.
Time for a new level and not the endless variations and improvements of levels published before.
Title: Upsilon
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-01-25
Skin: WinSoko 2 by Robert Vasizek (A bridge player by the way. You should try that game)
Sorry, but you will also be presented with a new variation on Delta. Yet again Anian found a dead box. I remade the level and killed that (Dead+Dead=Alive) With yet another touch by Anian:Title: Delta X (To the right)
Author: DrFogh, Anian
Comment: The x’th version to get everything moving
Date: 2018-11-25
Want to play the levels? Click here
Welcome back to It’s All Greek.
Today I present two revised levels to you.
First is Beta (actually Alfa is first). In this totally revised version I already know the dead box at D4 so finding this doesn’t count.
Title: BetaRev
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-10-19
Next is Delta. Anian found a dead box but didn’t tell me which one. I think it is J9 but you can try it out.
My countermove to make the box alive again is placing a wall at C12.
I think I am home making a level without dead boxes but you are welcome to prove me wrong.
I needed 420 moves to solve the new level. 52 more than the old but you can probably beat that.
Title: Delta. A wall more and a box less at the left. A wall more at the right
Date: 2018-11-14
Title: It’s All Greek – Delta
Author: DrFogh
Comment: First version had 4 stationary boxes. This one has none (I think)
Date: 2017-05-15
Skin: KSokoban by Anders Widell
Time to present the skin “Glowing Pumpkins” by Ticko since Halloween is close at hand.
No autosolver solved Phi.
Title: It’s All Greek – Phi
Comment: My kid brothers birthday so I dedicate this level to him.
Date: 2018-02-09
Turns out the last version of Beta didn’t add much new. 3 floors less. Yes. But the level can still be solved without moving the lower right 6 boxes at all.
Waiting for yet another attempt at a satisfying Beta I reworked the most recent version of Beta a bit and changed it into a P. My best 244.
Happy solving.
Title: Peta
Author: DrFogh
Comment: It turned out my first versions of Beta was solvable without moving a big part of the level at all. I took the usable part of the level and reworked it a bit.
Date: 2018-10-20
I could have saved me the trouble creating a new Beta. Jordi Domenech didn’t send me a solution but a remake of the original Beta reduced by 3 floors.
Didn’t solve it myself yet.
Title: It’s All Greek – Beta Jordi
Author: DrFogh and Haikemono
Comment: Original reduced by 3 floors increasing the difficulty considerably.
Date: 2018-10-05
Mattias Meger and Jordi Domenech both found solutions for Beta with 4 and 5 dead boxes.
I will try a remake (Well, a completely different level). I already know solutions without moving H7 and I6 so telling me about these boxes doesn’t count.
Title: It’s All Greek – Beta rev
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Happy Hunting for dead boxes and unnecessary floors. H7 and I6 don’t count. They are just part of the scenery.
Date: 2018-10-14
Time to get back to It’s All Greek. I still got a few unpublished levels.
Title: It’s All Greek – Beta
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-05-15
Skin: Ancient Greek by Alberto Pettarin
Only Sokolution solved this one.
As usual I appreciate your comments and findings of dead boxes and unnecessary floors very much.
I promised not to make further versions of Big Euro. A promise can be broken. Can’t it? At least you get a little tougher version. And I got an excuse to present the skin Antique Desk 2 by Gerry Wiseman.
Title: Big Euro 2
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Not unexpectedly Anian found some dead boxes in row G. Furthermore he found the floors at N5-O6 can be stoned. Easy to think it is the same thing with the floors at N16-O16 which was easily proven. The level has been redesigned with walls at the aforementioned places and a new layout at the left making a more difficult level. Still you might find some dead boxes in row G and maybe F9.
Date: 2018-09-20
With Trump and Brexit The Euro are in for serious challenges. You might be able to help with this one.
Title: Big Euro
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You might be able to find a solution not moving e.g the marked boxes at G9 or G13 but probably not both. You might be able to find other dead boxes or floors in the level. I will not change the level but let me know if you do.
Date: 2018-08-31
Skin: Antique Desk 3 by Gerry Wiseman
Looking for a challenge?
For more than two years Qqwref occasionally publishes a Sokoban level at SokobanOnline. Always challenging with a twist.
Title: A Little Cross
Author: Qqwref
Comment: Inspired by a pattern in SBMendonca VI #44. Don’t get cross, you can do it!
Date: 2017-10-08
Skin: SokobanOnline
Remember how to calculate the area of a circle?
Or the circumference?
Don’t worry. You need not to know to solve this level.
Title: It’s All Greek – Big Pi
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Very simple design but only Takaken and Sokolution managed to solve it.
Date: 2018-02-18
Skin: Ancient Greek by Alberto Pettarin
By the way: Anian found solutions for New Euro 2 with several dead boxes and floors. It isn’t possible to construct a level with the given layout without dead boxes so I will make no further attempts. A bigger layout means more possibilities so I think you will meet Big Euro some time in the future.
Well. Well. Well. Now i don’t really like New Euro much either.
On the level below below I marked the boxes and floors with no purpose found by Anian.
Had to make New Euro 2.
Title: New Euro 2
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-08-21
Skin: Snooker by John C Davis
I already found some flaws so you will not get any credit finding the dead box at C7 or the dead floors at L9-N9 which I kept for symmetry.
Can you find any more flaws?
You can also just enjoy solving the level and not bother about flaws.
Backhoes (1) and (2) and Qqwref (3) had some fun with my old Euro level.
Never really liked the original much since a lot of boxes are dead.
Decided to give it another try.
Title: New Euro
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Tested a lot and so far I didn’t find dead boxes or dead floors (=floors not needed to solve the level). I might be wrong.
Date: 2018-07-25
Skin: Snooker by John C Davis
Why do I have a feeling of deja vu when Anian found a dead box (=box not needed to move to solve the level) at G8 in the first published version of Kappa.
Can’t have that.
I think/hope you need to move everything in the revised level below. If not you might find a dead box as marked.
Give it a try.
By the way the level is more difficult. At least for the solvers. None succeded solving the level.
The shortest solution? My best is 506 so far.
Title: It’s All Greek – Kappa Rev
Date: 2018-08-15
Last in my little cavalcade of Boxworld skin variation. This time the original tampered with by yours truly 😎 to make “Boxworld Red”.
Title: It’s All Greek – Kappa
Comment: Everything need to be moved.
Date: 2018-01-02
Only solved by Takaken and Sokolution.
As always please notify me if you find any flaws in the level.
Making a new level I start out with something I am able to solve or an autosolver is able to solve. Adding to that and using an optimizer to reveal and correct unused floors and boxes not needed to move I finally end up with something I think is worth publishing.
But the optimizer doesn’t look for other solutions but try to make a given solution shorter.
Finding an alternative solution often ends up with unneeded floor, boxes not needed to move and shorter solutions.
So it is not a very big surprise Anian figured out the floors at H12, I12 and J12 in Eta are not needed.
Should have suspected that myself. Awful lot of floors lover right in the first version.
The revised Eta below. Shortens my best solution around 50 moves.
By the way Epsilon is exactly the same thing. Arranging the boxes upper right a little differently allows a floor less lower right and shortens my best solution around 50 moves.
First was Boxworld.
Then was Boxworld Indigo.
You can look at the net for further variations of the Boxworld skin.
Title: It’s All Greek – Eta
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You need to move everything.
Date: 2017-11-29
A simple design and despite of that only solved by Takaken and Sokolution.
As always please notify me if you find any flaws in the level.
Making Epsilon Rev I suspected the level was soluble with a floor less in the lover right area, but didn’t quite get it right.
Anian claimed the level is sovable so I tried it again. Right he is. Probably the final version of Epsilon below.
Title: It’s All Greek – Epsilon Rev V2
Author: DrFogh, Anian
Date: 2018-08-03
Anian didn’t hesitate to point out Epsilon is solvable without moving one of the boxes.
Can’t have that. I changed the level and now no solver is able to solve it.
By the way Epsilon now looks much better so it really is a win win situation.
Title: It’s All Greek – Epsilon Rev
Date: 2018-07-29
Below: Old Epsilon is still solvable even if the marked squares are changed into walls.
Find below the original skin for the Sokoban player Boxworld and further below the modified version Boxworld 2016.
Title: It’s All Greek – Epsilon
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Second version. First one with flaws not published
Date: 2018-04-02
Only solved by Takaken and Sokolution.
As always please notify me if you find any flaws in the level.
I have a lot of unpublished levels so I made a small collection to increase publishing schedule.
In these two levels you need to get everything inside before you can fill the goal area.
The skin is Go+. Original artist unknown. Modified with seemless walls and a more golike board by the webmaster at sokoban.dk 🙂
Title: January 2017
Date: 2017-01-07
Title: Count
Comment: You have to count how many boxes you need inside before
filling the storing area.
Date: 2017-07-22
2018-07-21-Get Them All Inside First
Title: It’s All Greek – Gamma
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-05-19
Skin: Moonstar by Barbara Chamberlin
Only Sokolution and Takaken solved this level.
Yes. I know. The floor at I14 isn’t needed. Just for the looks.
2018-07-02Title: It’s All Greek – Omega
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-02-12
Skin: Happy Face by Barbara Chamberlin
Thought this was a tough one but all autosolvers did the job.
All the autosolvers did the job. Can you do the same?
Title: It’s All Greek – Big Upsilon
Author: Drfogh
Date: 2018-05-26
Skin: Grey by Barbara Chamberlin
You don’t know it but I do: I have finished “It’s All Greek”. Totally 35 levels. Didn’t bother making new versions of letters looking like the latin letters published in my collection “Sokoletters“.
I ran the collection through the useful autosolvers: Old Takaken, classic YASS and JSoko and new Sokolution. And intend to publish the rest of the letters in order of increasing difficulty.
Increasing difficulty from the solvers point of view. Doesn’t necessarily correspond to difficulty from a human point of view.
Title: It’s All Greek – Big Gamma
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-03-11
Skin: Blue by Barbara Chamberlin
All the autosolvers managed to solve Big Gamma.
As allways: Please contact me if you find any flaws (=boxes not needed to move or unnecessary floors). And I will do my best to make a better level.
Boxes I announce beforehand or floors just present for the look don’t count.
But I don’t think there is much of that in the remaining levels.
I proudly announced Pi couldn’t be solved without moving every box.
How wrong I were.
First Brian Damgaard send me a solution using one floor less than designed. And not a floor just for the looks but a floor I thought was necessary.
It was not.
Then Jordi Domenech send me a solution not needing to move further 3 boxes…
Back to the drawing board.
Not very succesfully as it appears. Shortly after publishing the level below Brian Damgaard solved the level without moving the three marked boxes. Four? No. The box at J12 is my own correction. Didn’t even check if all floors were necessary.
And before I published this Jordi Domenech send me another solution.
So don’t play the level below!
Luckily enough the level just needed a few corrections so play this level instead:
Title: It’s All Greek – New Pi
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-06-10
Skin: Chinese by Dan Adrian Baluta
Now I feel more comfortable challenging you to solve the level without moving all boxes and find unnecessary floors.
Ever read about Hubris and Nemesis?
Title: It’s All Greek – Pi
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Matthias Meger and Anian solved a previous version of Pi without moving one of the boxes at all. Now this is corrected.
If you find this level difficult you can cheat and use the autosolvers Sokolution or Takaken.
Date: 2018-02-02
Skin: Chinese by Dan Adrian Baluta
I think you need a digression from the eternal “It’s All Greek” levels so I made a small easy/tricky one
Title: Study56-L
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-06-02
Skin: Balls by Hans-Dietrich Pester
This level is quite easy as the first 80-90 moves are practically one way.
Title: It’s All Greek – Lambda
Comment: You need to move everything
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2017-11-03
Skin: bulldozer by Expert Software
Title: It’s All Greek – Psi
Author: DrFogh
Comment: I know there is at least one flaw. Can you find more?
Date: 2018-03-22
Skin: Takaken New
Title: It’s All Greek – Zeta
Author: DrFogh
Comment: No flaws.
Date: 2018-02-03
Skin: Nightshift 3 by Gerry Wiseman
Title: It’s All Greek – -Big Lambda
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Not a boring old level created months ago but a brand new level created yesterday.
Date: 2017-05-05
Skin: Sokogems by Gerry Wiseman
Easy? Do you want something a little tougher? The 110th MF8 Competition started yesterday.
Title: Tenerife
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Vacation on Tenerife. Used some idle time for a Sokoban level.
Date: 2018-04-20
Skin: Alchemyst by Gerry Wiseman
Title: It’s All Greek – Big Sigma
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Usually big levels are hard to make without flaws. I didn’t find any in this level but that doesn’t necessarily mean there are none. Give it a try.
Date: 2017-11-03
Skin: Circle by Ariel Rodrigues
Do you feel lucky?
Hope so since there are two acknowledged versions of sigma and you get them both.
Title: It’s All Greek – Sigma 1 and Sigma 2
Author: DrFogh
Date: Sigma 1 2018-03-09, Sigma 2 2018-02-08
Skin: Circle by Ariel Rodrigues. Native skin for Sokoban++
Happy Easter! Time for the Easter Bunny to roam your screen.
Title: Easter2018
Comment: I was in an easter mood a little beforehand.
Date: 2017-06-25
Skin: Easter by Brian Damgaard
This one is better with one flaw less.Title: It’s All Greek – Chi Remade
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-03-29
Skin: Ancient Greek by Alberto Pettarin
Well. Yesterdays news is yesterdays news and I am probably pretty close to be the only one caring.
Let the past be forgotten and get on with the good stuff.Title: It’s All Greek – Chi
Comment: Took me a long time, but I am sure you can’t solve this level without moving every box. Just got that nagging feeling…and wrong I was. Don’t bother about moving J14.
Date: 2018-02-17
Skin: Ancient Greek by Alberto Pettarin
Don’t play this level. It got censored!
Once in a while I upload a level to SokobanOnline.com. Presents your level nice up front. Uploaded “Blockhead” with this text: “Study for the center of “It’s All Greek – Chi”. Not published yet. Find it at Sokoban.dk in a not far future. 8 Unnecessary floors just for the look”.
When the level was published the reference to sokoban.dk had disappeared.
I wrote a rather nice “complaint/objection” at the site. Gone after less than an hour. And received a mail I was violating SokobanOnlines terms announcing my website at SokobanOnline. Doing it again I will be expelled.
That’s perfectly okay. Terms stated. I will not violate SokobanOnlines terms anymore.
What is not okay is deleting the “adverticement” and publishing my level anyway without any notice.
So I asked to be expelled right away not needing to do the work to violate the terms once more. Deleting my account AND my levels. Wonder if that will happen.
I think the money and the competition in Sokoban on the net are so negligible that you really shouldn’t worry to support each other.
At least Sokoban.dk is just expenses…
Searching for “Sokoban” at Google you have to read trough 100 or more links to find eg. LetsLogic, Sokoban.dk, Sokoban.ws, YASC…
Better provide a link collection than censorship.
Will give more hits and better ratings to everybody. And better business if you are in Sokoban for the money.
Title: Blockhead
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Study for the center of “It’s All Greek – Chi”. 8 Unnecessary floors just for the look.
Date: 2018-02-17
Skin: Boxworld Red
2018-03-17 Finding the flaw(s).
Flaw = Box not needed to move to solve a level.
Anian often manages to find flaws in my levels I didn’t find myself constructing them.
In the last version of Big Phi he found 5.
I don’t think it is possible to make this level without flaws with the chosen layout of the goals but I think I can manage better than 5.
Back to the drawing board.
Title: It Is All Greek – Big Phi Probably Final Version
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-03-17
Skin: Aymeric du Peloux
How to find the flaws?
Solve the level and run an optimizer. Anything that doesn’t move?
That’s a method and surely you will find something once in a while depending very much of the solution you found.
Doing a little analyzing you will get closer to a final result.
Doing a lot of analyzing you might get to a final and exhaustive result.
What is absolutely needed to move to solve the level?
A not very advanced analysis reveals it is absolutely necessary to move the black numbered boxes and it might not be necessary to move the blue numbered boxes.
How is that?
You should realise box7 is a keybox. Without moving it you can’t get acces to the middle lower part of the level. Getting acces to box7 you need to move box17 or box22. Box7 need to be moved 2 steps to the left or right (Doesn’t matter which way).
Later in the solving you need to get box7 back to a goal somewhere. To do that you will eventually realise you need acces to both sides of the level.
Forget about the symmetry for the rest of this text. Just decide you will solve the level by moving box17 to get access to box7. Doing this it is obvious you need to move all the boxes box13-box17.
How about the left side? Same thing? Some careful thinking reveals it doesn’t seem to be mandatory to move box26 but then you have to move box21.
Vice versa – You might choose not to move box21 but then it is mandatory to move box26.
Your choice.
Lets have a look at the central column of boxes. A little thinking reveals you need to move all the boxes box1-box6 to get a box at the bottom position and to rebuild the column.
I will leave you to do your own logical thinking at top of the level and eventually you will end up with the above layout.
I found a solution with no need to move box9 and box26 but I think other combinations are possible and maybe with more than 2 flaws.
Good hunt.
Any thoughts about the different versions of Big Phi?
I find it interesting constructing levels it is often the simplest looking version that is the hardest to solve.
Never issue a challenge…
Both Anian and Jordi Domenech made totally crap of my level Big Phi and individually showed the level can be solved without moving 13 boxes 😳
The level can be reduced like this:
Title: Big Phi Crippled
Author: DrFogh, Anian and Jordi Domenech
Date: 2018-03-06
Didn’t feel comfortable by the level anyway. I like this one better:
Title: It Is All Greek – Big Phi New
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-03-06
Two things I am sure about:
At least one box need not to be moved.
You can’t solve the level without moving 13 boxes!
Title: It Is All Greek – BigPhi
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Not my best concerning numbers of boxes not needed to move. At least four. Think you will enjoy the level anyway and tell me if you can solve the level without moving 5 boxes or more.
Date: 2017-12-01
Skin: Aymeric du Peloux
2018-02-26Level: Ufo
Author: DrFogh
Comment: I didn’t check if this one is made before but I guarantee it is not. Not difficult. Readers at Sokoban.dk will solve the level without too much effort.
Date: 2018-02-26
Lots and lots of remade levels.
But seldom reinvented levels.
A reinvented level is a level with a layout so simple that it is possible to believe the author invented it himself/herself and published it even if it was already published by some other author.
It isn’t hard to believe this levels has been reinvented several times:
It is hard to believe this level was a reinvented level when it was published at SokobanOnline a few years ago by a totally unknown “author”:

When the levels are not very symmetrical and when there are about 4 boxes or more, you will most of the time create a brand new level never done before.
I thought so when I published Merry-go-round. I checked the level against my level collection (Bigger than Letslogic or Sokobanonline) and found no match.
Well not an exact match:

But very close. Only the layout of the boxes differs a bit. The solution is basically the same.
Thanks to Jordi Domenech for pointing that out.
And not thanks to myself for only looking for “Exact match” but not “Similar level” with YASCs copyfinder.
(I prefer my layout of the boxes 😎 )
Title: Merry-go-round
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Sokoban has been around since 1982 and yet nobody created this simple level before.
Date: 2018-02-14
My work bored me so I made a new level for you instead.
Title: It Is All Greek – Tau
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-02-14
Skin: Pacman by DrFogh
Xi didn’t come out as I wanted. Can be solved with way fewer moves than I thought. And Anian proved the level can be solved without moving at least 7 of the boxes at all.
I really had to remake the level…
Title: Xi Hard – Take That!
Author: DrFogh
Comment: With no boxes unmoved my best solutions are 305/92 and 360/84.
Date: 2018-02-08
If you manage to solve this level without moving every box I will treat you to a swedish lättöl on any bar of your choice in Copenhagen.
07:30: I owe Anian a lättöl. But at least only one stationary box is possible.
Isn’t it wonderful. Playing around with some walls and boxes and eventually out of nothing you carve a beautiful level.
I had this feeling tinkering around with something not very useful and suddenly the right stuff emerged. Just had to be honed a lot and presto. I got Xi (Big).
The box at [7,4] is just scenery but I think everything else need to be moved. Prove me wrong if I am. (21:46: Another illusion broken. Jordi Domènech just mailed a solution with 2 more boxes not needed to be moved.)
But I am still pleased to announce you have to do all the solving yourself. No solver succeded.

Bricks aren’t blue. Are they? We already got Boxworld Indigo. Now we got Boxworld Red.
Once in a while a new author pops up. Usually making af few levels and then disappearing again.
A few continue to make new levels.
Right now you can enjoy levels by the author Nebula at Game-Sokoban.com
Above Nebula Level 02 published 2018-12-22.
Sokolution managed to solve 14 levels out of 17. But that doesn’t reveal much about the difficulty. Solvers might easily solve levels troublesome for humans and vice versa.
I hope Nebula (She or he? Not many women constructing Sokoban levels) will continue publishing new levels.
First Matthias Meger send me a solution for Omicron where 2 boxes don’t need to be moved.
Then Anian claimed he had a solution where 3 boxes don’t need to be moved. He didn’t send me the solution. Thought it would spoil the fun for me not finding the solution my self…
Didn’t find it yet but redesigned the level.
Try to find any boxes not needed to be moved in the level below!
And no [5,10] doesn’t count. Just a trap to lead you into a cul de sac.
Title: It Is All Greek – Omicron Hard
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2018-02-01
Skin: Sokofun 1.a. by Laurent Brassard
Title: Nice Cross
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You can use any autosolver but where is the fun then? My best optimized solution 160.
Skin: A classic. Nintendo Boxxle
Did you find another box with no need to move in Omicron? Matthias Meger send me a solution with no need to move two boxes at all. 😕 I will try to be more careful with my levels in the future. 😎
Title: It Is All Greek – Omicron
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You thought it is an O ? Or a 0 ? No ! It is the greek letter Omicron. I think you should challenge yourself but it is easy to cheat since you can just let Takaken do the job. All other noteworthy solvers failed.
One box need not to be moved and if you do you will be in real trouble 😉
Tell me if you can solve the level without moving two boxes.
Skin: Sokofun 1.a. Laurent Brassard made this nice skin with graphics found in the Sokofun program folder. He wrote to me he made 12 skins. Looking forward to see the rest.
Date: 2018-01-18
If you like Thinking Rabbit (I think you do) you should go to Jordi Domenechs Blog. Jordi remade Thinking Rabbit levels of which many have previously been published in the collections “The Beautiful World of Remodels” and at the Sokoban.org website. Now you get it all in a special collection.
Be ready for a challenge.
And be sure to refresh your favorite Sokoban program. JSoko, YASC and YSokoban came in new versions within the last month.
New levels? No big issues at the moment except for Archanfel adding lots of remade classics to the collection ABHT 02 at LetsLogic.com. And dont forget Level of The Month at Sokofun.de and The MF8 competition at Sokoban.ws
Title: It Is All Greek – Xi
Author: DrFogh
Comment: You need to move everything. I think
Date: 2017-12-29
Skin: Matrix by Gerry Wiseman