I made some bad statements and lashed to the left and right without much reason. Please accept my apologies and maybe reread the changed article about changed levels.
DrFogh 😳
Title: The Apple Tree (Right)
Comment: Inspired by Sylvain Gravejat Level 3. Recognize it?
Date: 2017-11-22
Skin: Soukoban Rev by Staffan Modig
Click here to read something more about remodeling, sharpening, tightening, copying, stealing…
Merry Christmas from the staff at Sokoban.dk
Title: Merry Christmas 2017
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Made a little beforehand
Date: 2017-07-22
Skin: Christmas by DrFogh
If you like Sokoskinner skins you get a few more in the updated version 1.2. Ready for download at The Skin Download Page.
Title: Perfect – Screen.248
Author: Thinking Rabbit
Skin: Sokoskinner Star Wars 2008
Title: It Is All Greek – Nu
Comment: Loved to create this one. You just need to move one box one row upward to solve the level. But you need to move every box in the level to solve it. My best solution 412. Hope you enjoy.
Date: 2017-12-19
Skin: Jumanji 2 by Gerry Wiseman
2017 coming to and end and what happened in Sokoban?
Have a look around by trying the link collection here at Sokoban.dk

Or download the updated skin collection Sokoskinner version 1.1. Brian Damgaard found a few more skins and converted them so the collections now contains more than 200 skins available for YASC, YSokoban and Sokoban++. The YASC collection comes with a handy installer. Find installation instructions for YSokoban and Sokoban++ at the skin download page. Joris Vit send me a few more skins so there might be a version 1.2 in the future…

Or download my latest collection Original02 containing 50 levels. Around 20 of them never published before. Above my favorite level. Oblique. Previously published at SokobanOnline. In a not far future Original02 will be found at LetsLogic. for low score competition.

And don’t forget to download Sokolution 2.0. The latest version of Florent Diedlers Sokoban solver. Arguably the best in the world. Now with a self installing package for YASC. Using the solver with Sokoban++ follow the instructions here at Sokoban.dk
The skins from top to bottom: Gatekeeper by Sokoskinner, Bejeweled by unknown and Metallica 2B by Gerry Wiseman.
Title: It Is All Greek – Iota
Date: 2017-11-24
Skin: Ancient Greek by Alberto Pettarin
Title: November 2017
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2017-11-15
Skin: Marble Magic by Gerry Wiseman
Title: Blooming Flower
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Time for a small easy level
Date: 2017-10-22
Skin: Jewel Quest
Rifling through “Passion Fruit” the last of Rikitins collections to see what was plain plagiarism, what was not credited, what was wrongly credited and so on, I found this little mystery:

This bull looks too good to be homemade so I started to look for the original.
The credits to Bent Seegert, Tom Sirgedas, Alex Chernov and Lezhankin Petr are pure fantasy. These guys participated with great succes in Gil Dogans Sokoban Level Contest 2015 but never made anything else on the Sokoban scene.
A1master sometimes made some clever designs but I found nothing in his collections.
Buddy Casamis might be a little light on republishing himself. But usually published his levels as rectangular. And I found nothing even close to this level.
I searched my collections for the words bull, toro and likes but found nothing.
And suddenly I realized I was the victim myself:

I am not amused.
A remodel should be properly credited and it should add value to the original.
Neither is the case here.
Remove it from The Net.
The level has been taken down. Thank you.
Brian Damgaard went into his programming den and converted all the Sokoskinner Skins to the Common Skin format:

If you use the skins with YASC (you need version 1.647 or higher) you get all the backgrounds and the colored buttons.
The skins will work with any Sokoban player supporting the Common Skin format, e.g., YSokoban, but you will not get all the special stuff.
Download the installer package for the skins from The Skin Download Page.
With YASC 1.647 you get a nice new skin-related feature: Press F4 (or right-click the “Settings” button) and the skin will change to the next skin in your collection. Press Shift+F4 (or Shift + right-click “Settings”) and you get the previous skin.
This one is a little difficult. Don’t worry. I solved it for you:
Title: Grapes
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Anybody play hanjies? This beautiful design is made in 2015 by Tuffty19 and can be played at hanjie-star.com
Date: 2017-10-14
Skin: Beeman
Want to try yourself? Get Grapes here
My best result 4100. I guess less than 4000 is possible.
Archanfel is unstoppable with sharpened levels. He even managed to sharpen my favorite level from The Original Collection from Thinking Rabbit:Level 37 Original with one more box. Actually there is room for one more box at the question mark. But this makes the solution shorter(!) and really doesn’t add to the fun.
Play Archanfels collection ABHT (A Bit Harder Than…) at LetsLogic.com
The collection Original Extra Sharpen is finished. I deemed several levels not worth sharpening but Archanfel proved otherwise and now you will find interesting changes for all of the levels 51X-90X.
The last one was 90X Sharpen:The original level is rather messy. Lots of unneeded floors and and sloppy designed goal areas. Archanfel made all the goal areas rectangular and added 4 boxes. I discovered it was possible to reduce the width by one column by removing a wall that has no noteworthy influence on the solution.
Play Original Extra Sharpen at LetsLogic.com (The collection will not be changed any more and I promise never to change levels in a collection at letsLogic.com again)
Download the commented collection from Sokoban.dk’s Level Download Page. There are af few more cosmetic changes in this. No changes that influence the solutions.
A little digression from Original Extra Sharpen (Archanfel is still working).
Title: It Is All Greek – Alfa
Author: DrFogh
Date: 2017-10-04
Skin: Takaken. A little revised. Not finished yet but better quality than original already. I think.
Sorry. Not finished yet…


12:22 Archanfel found some improvements to Original Extra Sharpen.
20:17 And I found room for another box in 85X…
I updated the collection accordingly here and at LetsLogic.

For a few years around 2013 you could find a homepage with lots of beautiful skins for Sokoban++. The skins were made by Sokoskinner alias Annie Lee(+). Check out the skins here. Brian Damgaard mailed me his collection so now again they can be downloaded. From the Sokoban.dk Download Page of course.
I uploaded the set “Original Extra Sharpen” to Letslogic. Letslogic erases all the comments but Go there if you want to compete for the highscore.
By the way I changed Original Extra Sharpen 4 times. Always something you miss. Reread the presentation of the collection to see what and the changes. And don’t worry. I will not change the collection any more since now it is distributed outside Sokoban.dk
Revised the menu. I think you will like the changes.
Purely by chance I discovered Howard Abed years ago published his Set 4 with sharpened versions of some levels from the Original and the Extra Collections. Find a revised version of this collection with properly numbering and comments on Sokoban.dk’s Level Download Page.
Some issues on the Skin Download Page has been fixed. The Visual Sokoban skin file is now more usable. And the YASC file has been updated. Not much so you only need to pick the extra slick version of Magic Pearls.
And I found the first two obvious revisions of my collection Original Extra Sharpen working my way through Howard Abeds fourth set. You might want to reread the article to be updated. The collection has been updated so scrap the first version.
2017-09-09Lots of nice skins out there. Who remembers this skin? Micro Sokoban? I don’t. Found it in the skin file for “Sokoban by Kohn”.
You can also find it for easy download in the files on The Revised Skin Download Page.
The level: Omega. And I am sorry to admit that two boxes needn’t be moved at all. Get the file here.
And how about this one? Where did that level come from? And how many moves do you think you need more to solve the puzzle with one wall added?
So where did I steal this nice little piglet ?

While you wait for the upgrade of the Skin Download Section you can read a little about Gerry Wiseman and his skins
Title: Round34
Author: DrFogh
Comment: My 34. attempt to get it necessary to move all the boxes to solve the level. As is often the case it is a pain in the xxx to get this done in a circular level. Didn’t succeed this time either. Hope you enjoy the level anyway.
Date: 2017-08-26
Skin: Monty by Vitaly Pinchuk. I made the level rectangular to show some of Monty’s features. Get it from the skin download section.
The skin pages really need some reconstruction. So expect som alterations in a not to distant future. Eg. common skins designed specially for YASC as well as for YSokoban.
Waiting for that you might take some time solving Flacon 3:
Not difficult. Just pave your way and you have solved it.
Skin: KSokoban aka KDF Sokoban aka Warehouse Guy by Anders Widell
2017-08-10Skins – The Download Page
Jordi Domènenc wasn’t satisfied by my attempt at a sharpened level Original Extra 83 and send me this little gem with the comment “Easy, but I think nice…”
In my book the level is neither a sharpened level nor a remodel but a level in its own right inspired by Original Extra 83.
And I would rather say “Nice, but not easy…”. Actually I got tired solving and used an autosolver (Don’t tell anybody).
It is impossible to get all the boxes to a 3×3 goal with this layout.
But you can easily let all the boxes go to a combined goal.
So it is a nice extra touch letting both the 8th and 9th boxes go to separate goals making the level a little more difficult.
Brought here by permission from Jordi.
Couldn’t really get the job done.
If you like Yoshi you will like the new Yoshi better
The 100th MF8 Competition kicked off more than two weeks ago (This is not a Breaking News site 🙂 ).
Sokoban.cn celebrates this with a main level by Zou Yongzhong. Possibly the hardest level I ever have come across. Haven’t solved it yet. However the puzzle is very logical so a lot of hard work and elimination should do the trick. Eventually. The puzzle is only solved twice so far.
The extra level is by DrFogh (Thanks for the honour). Fairly easy. Lots of solutions. The hardest challenge is not to solve the level but to get the lowest score.
The illustration above is a new wallpaper created by Xiaomao specially for the anniversary. Click the illustration for download.
At Sokoban.org Anain published a huge level, “A Hundred Flowers Bloom”. I haven’t solved it so far. Wonder if I ever will.
And this isn’t all. You might know the forum BBS.MF8-China? On a page created for the occasion you will find another tribute to the anniversary, a level by Laizhufu:Title: 百里挑一 (One Out Of Hundred)
Author: Laizhufu
Date: 2017-07-01
A nice looking level hard to find so I took the liberty to republish it here.
Follow this link and just copy and paste the level to your favorite Sokoban program.
I have reorganized my levels. Interested? Have a look at the level page
The collection Original01 is new (Roughly the same as the now discontinued Accumulated).
People competing for the lowest score will be pleased to know Original01 can be found at LetsLogic.com.
My favorite (011 Back To Start 2) in the collection is shown above. Made for Gil Dogans Sokoban Levels Contest getting a mediocre score.
Skin: Soko-Ban for DOS
If you visit SokobanOnline once in a while you might have come across this level 1½ year ago.
Title: 054 Tough 1
Comment: A Maelstroem-inspired puzzle.
Previously published: SokobanOnline.com 2015-12-03
Download level here:
Skin: Antique Desk 3 by Gerry Wiseman
Title: Boring 5×5 Without Centerbox
Comment: Got bored. Made a 5×5 diamond level. Took 5 minutes. Sokolution solved it. YASS didn’t. Discovered it isn’t necessary to move the centerbox so I stoned it. Actually you can stone one more box if you want.
Date: 2017-06-18
Title: Boring 7×7
Comment: Still bored. Made a 7×7 diamond level. Took 5 minutes. No solver solved it. By studying the 5×5 solution, and a lot of trial and error (mostly error) I finally succeeded solving the 7×7 level 12 hours later.
I still dont know if the puzzle can be solved with a fixed centerbox. Probably yes. Anyone up to the challenge?
Date: 2017-06-18
Skin: Boxworld
Title: Squares
Date: 2017-05-22
Skin: Supaplex
Title: Taxes
Date: 2017-04-30
Skin: Chess. And now it really is the newest version 🙂
Another workover…

The pieces are now perfectly symmetrical.
In the proces I removed all aliasing making the pieces a little more angular.
Thanks to Brian Damgaard the white got a little tone making the skin more pleasing to the eye.
Finally I made the maroon pieces somewhat darker.
You will find them in the download above.
And the level here

My skin Chess had some obvious lack of quality.
To my best ability this is corrected now (For the second time) so please download the new version.
By the way you get two versions. One more sinister but more according to the colors of chess.
No download. Download new version above.
Fresh from the hen for you to solve.
Skin by Brian Damgaard
Same level again? The editor didn’t clean up his code?
Not at all.
But Archanfel solved the level with about 100 moves less than my best. He provided me with his solution and I discovered a vast amount of superfluous floor at the left side of the level.
So above you see the revised version with a much more pleasing symmetrical look.
You will find both versions in the level file.
Title: Black Friday
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Black Friday was a stock market catastrophe that took place on Sept. 24, 1869. On that day, the stock market crashed and the price of gold plummeted after a period of rampant speculation.
Date: 2017-01-20
Skin: Chess by DrFogh. The Chess Font are freeware by Erik Bentzen
Download Black Friday
Chess: No download. Download new version above.
(Oops! I forgot the solution. Could somebody mail it to me?)
Once in a while you will find an article about Sokoban…
Title: JCD
Author: DrFogh
Comment: John C Davis made a level with the word “Sokoban” suggesting the funniest way to solve the level letter by letter from the beginning even though you could solve the letters in practically any order. This level started as an attempt to make a level impossible to solve unless you solve the letters one by on from the beginning. Obviously I didn’t succeed this time.
Skin: Soccer
Date: 2017-01-29
Haikemono alias Jordi Doménech made a new collection “First Steps” around new year. The difficulty in the collection increases gradually from “easy” to “certainly not for beginners”.
Title: Level 2
Author: Haikemono
Date: 2016-12-17
Skin: Chinese by Dan Adrian Baluta
Jordi changed his mind about the collection since from the 8th of March the collection disappeared from LetsLogic but instead you will find the original First Steps renamed “Magic Sokoban 7”
However First Steps didn’t disappear. If you go to Jordis Blog you will find First Steps with a total of 210 puzzles arranged in three collections, “Beginner”, “Advanced” and “Expert”.
All the puzzles are by Jordi and all the puzzles have been published before in other collections.
So play the collections if you enjoy well ordered collections with increasing difficulty through the collection. But don’t play them if you want to play new levels.
Vipul Patel hasn’t been active at the Sokoban scene for a long time. Latest all 6 collections by Vipul were published at sourcecode.se 2005-10-02. Suggesting the collections alle were made before that date.
Now you can get the new collection “Namo” from sourcecode.se. The text-file can be played in any popular Sokoban player.
Title: Vilu f
Author: Vipul Patel
Date: 2017-02-27
Skin: Marble Magic by Gerry Wiseman
Joris Witt published a smalle collection “JW2005” at LetsLogic
Joris never published any levels before and is more well known as the author of the Sokoban player Sokoban++ and one of the best Android Sokoban players.
Title: JW2005.2
Author: Joris Witt
Publishing date: 2017-02-11. (The title of the collection suggests the levels were made several years ago 😉
Skin: Circle by Ariel Rodrigues
Title: February
Author: DrFogh
Comment: Well. It’s February isn’t it?
Skin: A real classic. Antique Desk 3 by Gerry Wiseman
The level? Get it here
2017-02-11Title: Aeternus
Author: Razorflame
Comment: Nobody made a bigger level. Did anybody solve it? Of course. Not surprisingly by the guys practically solving everything, Mark and Findus at LetsLogic.com.
Date: 2014-01-10
Skin: YSokoban. Didn’t you spot that?
Nobody made bigger collections than Razorflame. Find all the Ionic Catalyst collections here.
Did you see this skin before? Probably yes but something has changed. Read about it and other recent additions to YASC.
The level? “From Mac to YASC”. Looks complicated but with a little undoing you will come through without too much trouble. Be a sport! Play the level with undo disabled.
Read about a new solver by Florent Diedler and a level not as sophisticated as the author thought.