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A chinese site for the smartphone Sokoban player Sokoban Club. The players main levelset is Boxxle 1 but you will find a few unique levels on the site.

Ghislain Martin at
Ghislain Martin arguably is the person who programmed most Sokoban solvers. Made some nice levels too. Nothing much is happening on the homepage. Mostly old stuff but you can try Ghislains 9th Sokoban Solver “Sokostation 6”.
An anonymous Sokoban High score site with well known levels.
The official site for Falcon, the Sokoban owner. Some history and announcement of new Sokoban players.

Borgar Torssteinson at
Known for designing the skins Yoshi, Simple and Lager. The skins were designed for Borgars Sokoban player licensed under GNU v3.0. You can get the player and the graphics at Borgars homepage.

Kenichiro Takahashi aka Takaken
Homepage for the Sokoban solver Takaken. Last update 2008 but the solver still is one of the best.

Lee Haywood
Download Haywoods autogenerator SokEvo and levelsets from here.

Premyzl Zika aka Zika
Not much happening in a Sokoban way. Zika makes a nice and difficult collection once in a while but not on his homepage. Look for his collections at LetsLogic. – Home for JSoko
You can download the Java Sokoban player JSoko by Matthias Meager here. Once in a while you will find a usefull link. The only place Didier Xs solver Sokosolve was announced! Hard to get news about Sokoban sometimes…

One of the best Sokoban suites for Windows programmed by George Petrov. New versions several times per year so be sure to visit often.

Ian Parberry
Any Sokofan would ask,Who is that ?
Well, to quote Laboratory for Recreational Computings homepage: Ian Parberry is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Director of the Laboratory for Recreational Computing at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, USA. You can read something about autogeneration of levels and find some hundred easy autogenerated levels not found anywhere else.

If you want to make your own Sokoban skin you will find some graphics here.

Barely alive sites but maybe worth a look
Francois Marques – In 2003 Francois made a monthly competition with some tough puzzles.
Phillipe Galmel – Homepage with stuff about different logic games. Phillipe Galmel made a player just called Sokoban :-). You will find a few skins too. Last update 2009.

Scott Lindhurst – Programmed “Sokoban for MacIntosh”. Last update 2006.

Serg Baliyev Lot of stuff about automatic solving. Serg made his own levelsets. You will find them the usual place(s). Last update around 2008. In russian.

University of Alberta, Canada – Mostly about the solver Rolling Stone. Last update 2006.

Soko-Save – A multi platform player by Eric Sunshine. Last update 2012.

Visual Sokoban – Homepage for Sylvain Gravejats player Visual Sokoban. Last change 2003. Collection of around 80 skins.

XSokoban – Once the place for people playing Sokoban on unix systems.  You can still get the sourcecode for XSokoban. Last change before 2000.

Yoshio Murase – Get the authors levelset here. Last change before 2005.

Online Sokoban with new levels
Mind Games – From 28. of january 2016 you get 3 new puzzles every day. An easy, a medium and a tough one. Looks handmade. The easy one is really easy and the tough more like medium.
Sokokong – Generated a daily level for years. Stoppede may 2015, but you can still play 14000+ autogenerated levels. Dont bother to play Sokokongs build in levelsets.  They are all copied from wellknown authors.