Level: Big Alpha Author: DrFogh Email: bjertrup58@gmail.com URL: www.sokoban.dk Date: 2024-05-17 Download and play as you wish. Don't publish uninteresting variations. You are the judge. Give proper credit. Will eventually be part of a collection to be freely published at your site. ---######## --##------### -##--####---# ##--#---.##-# #--##-#-*---# #-#----*$*### #-#-###*@*-### #-#---*---*--# #-#-#-*-#-*--## #-#--*******-### #--##*-#---*---# ##--*--##---*--# -#--*--####-*--# -##--######--### --#--#----##### --#### Title: Big Alpha Author: DrFogh Comment: Find two boxes not needed to move Date: 2024-05-17