Collection: Accumulated 1 Author: DrFogh Email: URL: Date of Last Change: 2016-07-18 A collection of puzzles published before and new levels arranged roughly cronologically. A few previously published variations only differing slightly from the puzzles here are omitted. Puzzles solely by me can be freely distributed. Whether changed or not I will appreciate to be quoted as the original author with name, email and url. I will not sue you but distribution of my remodels are at your own risk. ############# ## # # # .$ $## ##$## # .## $ $$ $ # # ..# # $ # # # # # # # #$# # #...# # # # ##*## # # # #...##$##$##$## #... $ $@# #. # ### # ######### ##### Title: 01 Bozeberg11 Remodel Author: Konstantin Bozeberg + Tyge Fogh Comment: If no ideas you can always remodel a puzzle. This was my first serious attempt to make a Sokoban puzzle even if it was a remodel. Added 5 boxes and 4 walls. Previously published: (Remodels1) Date: 2012-10-09 ########### # #.....## # $ *......# # # $ .....# # #.....## ## ############## ##$ @ # # $ ### $$$ # ##$# # #$ # # # # # $ $ # # ### # # ### $$ # # $ $$ ## ###$ # # # $$$ # # $ # # ## # # ######## ###### Title: 02 MVP Cargo Bay Deluxe 51 Plus Four Author: Unknown + Tyge Fogh Comment: The collection MVP Cargo Bay Deluxe contains lot of puzzles with interesting designs and way too few boxes. Here I added 4 boxes without changing anything else. Previously published: (Remodels1) Date: 2013-07-08 ########### # # # $ $@$ $ # # $ $ $ # # $ $ $ $ # # $ $ $ # #####$##$## #.....# # #....*# # #...* # #.... ### ######## Title: 03 Abedlike Comment: Tribute to Howard Abed who made a lot of levels with boxes arranged in chessboard formation to be put throug a hole to the goal area. Previously published: No Date: 2013-07-31 ###### ##### # #### # # $$ $ # # ## # ### $ # #$$ ###$#.# ## # ....# # # $ $...# # $#####..### # @# #### #### Title: 04 Sokoban Perfect #87 Plus Two Author: Thinking Rabbit + Tyge Fogh Comment: No change of layout. You can often add a box or two to Thinking Rabbit puzzles. Previously published: (Remodels1) Date: 2014-04-20 ###### #### # # # @#### ## ## ## $# #... # # $ $ #.#.# # # $ $ $...# # ## $ $ ## # # ## ### # # # ###### # ### # ########## Title: 05 Forgotten One Comment: Really forgot why I made this puzzle. Previously published: No Date: 2014-08-23 ### #.# #.# ####.## # #.@## # #. ## # #.$$ # # $ #$ # # # $.# ## $ $ # # ### ###### Title: 06 My First Autogenerated Level Comment: Generated 50 levels. Kept one and edited a little. Not too bad. Previously published: (Lines) Date: 2014-10-04 ######################### # .**. *...$.*** ..*.$ # # .$ $ .$ * $ *$ $ * # #.$$ $* * .$.$ . * $ $.# #.$ * * .$.$ . * $ $.# #.$ * * .$.$ . * $ $.# #.$$$$* * .$.$ . * $ $.# # * $.$$ * $ *$ $ + # # $...* .*** .*** ..*.$ # ######################### Title: 07 Audi Comment: My first puzzle published at SokobanOnline. Looks depends on the skin. Choose the right one to make both the starting position and end position stand out. Previously published: and (Commercial) Date: 2014-11-08 ############################## # # # ### # # # $ $ $ $ #$ ## $ $$ $ # # $$######$ # $ # # #$ # # # # # $ ## # # # $ $ $ #$ #$ #$ #$$ ## $#$ # #######$ # # # # # # # $ $ #$ $ #$ ## $ $$$$ # # # # # ### # # # .########################$## #......... ## # ## # #........# $$ $ # $$ $$ #$ # #........# ## $ # # $# # #........# $$ # $#$ #$ $ # #........# $ #$ $ # $$ # #........# $## $ $ # # $ # #........# $ $ #$ # $ # # #........# @## # # ## # ############################## Title: 08 Aenigma 42 Remodel Author: Brian Kent + Tyge Fogh Comment: The puzzles by Brian Kent often have nice designs and way too few boxes to be interesting. Here I remodelled a little and added 60 boxes. Actually made a remodel of this one two years before, but too lousy to be published. Previously published: (Remodels1) Date: 2014-11-09 #################### # # # **$***$$***$$*** # # *. *..$ .*. $..* # # *. *..$ .*. $..* # # **$***$$***$$*** # # @ # #################### Title: 09 Not difficult. Just The Right Order Comment: Made a visual modification a year later Previously published: No Date: 2014-11-09 #### ########## # # # # $$ $ $ $$ # # ####### # # $#...*.#$ # # #...*.# # # $#..@$ ## # # #...*. # # $#...*.#$## # ####### # # $$ $ $ $$ # # # ############# Title: 10 Back and Forth Comment: Made to postphone something I had to do. Published at SokobanOnline with this comment. Got a few thumbs down. Because of the comment? Previously published: Date: 2015-02-21 ########### # # # # .* $ *. # # $**#**$ # # + # ########### Title: 11 Gil Dogan Comment: Tried to make a level for Gil Dogans Level Design Contest. Lousy score. Previously published: No Date: 2015-03-28 ##### # ## ### # # # * # # # * * # ##@* # # #### #### Title: 12 Cyclic Diamond 2x2 Comment: Beautiful simple design. Made for for Gil Dogans competition. Had to uglify the level to fit the categories. Actually was topscorer for a while. Probably because I entered the competition very early before the really tough boys started. Previously published: Date: 2015-03-28 ##### # ## ### # ## # * # # # * * # # #* * * # #@* * # # * ### # ### ##### Title: 13 Cyclic Diamond 3x3 Comment: Again the beautiful simple design. Also uglifyed to fit a category in Gil Dogans competition. Also topscorer for a short while. I made more puzzled with this design, but you will not get the 4x4 and 5x5 variants. Not very interesting, just timeconsuming. Previously published: No Date: 2015-03-29 ####### # # ## ### ## ## * @ * ## # * *** * # # * * # # ### # ### ### ####### Title: 14 Back to Start Comment: Just came out like this experimenting for Gil Dogans competition. Didn't score much so I just put it on SokobanOnline. Previously published: Date: 2015-04-04 ##### ##### # ##...$ ### # +**##$ # # ..* # $# # ##$## # # # $##### # $ # # # ####### Title: 15 Upper Left Corner, Please Comment: My first serious attempt at making a classic puzzle. Previously published: Date: 2015-04-20 ####### # @ # # $ # ## $.$ ## # $.$.$ # #$.$.$.$# #.$.$.$.# # .$.$. # ## .$. ## # . # # # ####### Title: 16 80 Is An Okay Score Comment: First title was "100 Is An Okay Score", but I retitled the puzzle when somebody found a much better solution within an hour after publishing. Previously published: Date: 2015-04-24 ### ###@### # $ # ## $.$ ## # $.$.$ # #$.$.$.$# #.$.$.$.# # .$.$. # ## .$. ## # . # ### ### ### Title: 17 Tighter Comment: Realised how easy the previous puzzle was. Previously published: Date: 2015-04-25 ##### # ## ## $@ # ## $*$ # ##...$ # ### .*. ### # $*..## # $.$ ## # $ ## # # ###### Title: 18 More Malicious Remodel Author: Malice+Tyge Fogh Comment: Malice publishes a nice Sokoban puzzle at SokobanOnline once in a while. Thought Malicious #14 was a nice design but a little easy. This one is a little less easy, but not much. Previously published: Date: 2015-04-28 ##### # ## ### * ## # $*$ # #@*...* # # $*$ # ### . ### # # ##### Title: 19 Lazy Saturday Previously published:, (Crosses) Date: 2015-05-16 ######### ##@## # # * # #### ## ##### # # ### # # # # # #### # # ## ##### # ## ######## # # # # # # # # # # ## ## ## ##### ##### ## ## ## # # # # # # # # # # ######## ## # ##### ## # # #### # # # # # ## ## # ##### ### #### # # # ## # ######### Title: 20 No challenge. Just waste of time Comment: This puzzle demonstrates the design everybody used to get a huge score in Gil Dogans Sokoban contest in the cyclic categories with one box. Totally uninteresting to play. This one at least looks nice. I wonder why ;-) but got a few thumbs down. Previously published: Date: 2015-05-23 #### ## # #@* # # * # # * # # * # # * # #### * # # #* # # * # ### # # # ## ## # # # # # ######## Title: 21 Eight In A Row Comment: Made for Gil Dogans Sokoban Contest. A mediocre score. Previously published:, Date: 2015-06-19 #### # # # ###### # $ # ###$# $ # #... ### #### ##.*.. # $$ # #..##..# # #.*...*$$ $$## # **#. # $@ # #####... # $ ### # #### $$ # # $$$ $ ## # $ # ## # ######## ##### Title: 22 Not So Difficult Comment: You will find this puzzle and a slightly different variant at SokobanOnline. After publishing I discovered a ridicously easy solution. Removed a floor, added a wall, added a floor and moved the Sokoban. Still no match for a trained player. Don't bother to play the first variant unless you really must. Previously published: Date: 2015-06-30 ###### # #### # $ . $ # # #$.$# # # ..*.. # # #$.$# # # $ + $ # ##### # ##### Title: 23 Summer 1 Previously published:, (Crosses) Date: 2015-07-02 ########### #... # ####### # # #. # # #.$$$$# # # #. $ # # #$####### # #@ # ########### Title: 24 Timesaver Author: TIAOA + Tyge Fogh Comment: Same basic design as level 59 from TIAOAs first collection. Saves you a lot of time. Previously published: (Remodels1) Date: 2015-07-04 #### ######### # ## $ . ## # $ $ # *** # #@$ $ $#..*..# ## $ $ # ... # # $ ## . # ## ######### #### Title: 25 Summer 2 Comment: I published a slightly different version at SokobanOnline. Made the right side a bit more interesting here. Previously published: Date: 2015-07-03 ##### # # #### # ## # * ## ### # *.* # # #.$# * # # * * * *# ###### $ # # # @ # ####### Title: 26 Pyramid Comment: Rotated the puzzle 90 deg. clockwise for my collection "Go Right". Here you know why the puzzle got its title. Previously published:, (Go Right) Date: 2015-07-11 #### # # ###$ #### # .* # # @ ** # ### # ## ## # # # # ##### Title: 27 Pain Author: Yirmy Yasovsky and Tyge Fogh Comment: Remodel of bronzetaking level in the category 4-40-Cyclic in Gil Dogans Sokoban Contest. Just removed the superflous floors that were added to fit the puzzle into a competition category. Hard. Previously published: Date: 2015-07-13 #### # # # # ### # ### * ## # * * ### # * * * # ### * * # ## * #### # ## # @# #### Title: 28 Less Pain Comment: Needed an easy one after previous level. But not a walk over. Previously published: Date: 2015-07-14 # ### ## ## ## . ## # * # # * # # $*$## ## * ## # * # # * # # * # # . # # @ # ##### Title: 29 No Pain Comment: And a little less pain. Some wouldn't think so. Previously published:, Date: 2015-07-14 ##### # ## ### # ## ## * # ## ## * * # ## ## * * * # ## ## * * * * # ## ## * * * * * # ## ## * * * * * * # ## # * * * * * * * # # # * * * * * * * * # # #* * * * * * * * * # # * * * * * * * * # # * * * * * * * ### # * * * * * * ### # * * * * * # # * * * * ### ## * * * # ## * * ### ## * # ## @ ### ####### Title: 30 Cyclic Diamond 9x9 Comment: I spared you a few but you will get the 9x9. Might be possible to reduce the lower left area further. A case for a remodeller. Previously published: No Date: 2015-07-24 ########## # # # *.*.*..# ##$#### ## # $@$ $ # # # ########## Title: 31 An In Betweener With No Title Originally Previously published: Date: 2015-08-02 ############# # .....# # *.*..# # ###### #$### # # $ $ $ # # # $# # # # # #### $ $ $ # ##@####### # # # ############ Title: 32 No Pain 2A Comment: You will find this plus a slightly different variant at sokobanonline. Just added a wall. Not sure it makes a more interesting puzzle. Previously published: Date: 2015-08-10 ##### # ## ### # ## # * # ## ## # * # # # * * # # #@ * * * # ## * ### ##### # #### Title: 33 Last One For Free Comment: Published 25 levels on Took some time to figure out how to pay 0.99$ for an upgrade to pro member to publish more. Meanwhile the site gave me a free ticket. Previously published: Date: 2015-08-10 ##### ## # ## # ### ## # * ## # # * * # # # * * * ### # * # # * # ## * * * # ## * * ## ## * @## ######## Title: 34 Cyclic Diamond New 4x4 Comment: This is actually a different design from the previous cyclic diamond puzzles. Here you have to move more of the boxes to get to the solution, but still you don't have to move everything So you get the design with two boxes walled. Previously published: No Date: 2015-08-11 ##### ######## ## # ## $$ # # #$ # # $## # # ### ## # #### # # # #. .#*# # # # #.*.*.# # # $$ # .* @# # #### ## # ## ##### #### Title: 35 Not 6x2 Comment: Wanted to make a level with a 6*2 goal. Ended up like this. Previously published: Date: 2015-08-15 ########### #. . *....# #.*.$.. $.# #.###$###.# # $ $ $$# # $ # ### ####$ # #@ $ $ # ### $ ##$# ## # ######## Title: 36 Aruba III/Last One R1 Plus One Author: Spiros Mantzoukis, Eric F. Tchong & Tyge Fogh Comment: Added one box. Still small challenge. Previously published: Date: 2015-08-16 ######### # . # # . # # ##.#### # # . ### ### # . # # # $$$$*$$$$ # # # . # # ### #. ##### ## +## ##### Title: 37 Nine In A Row Comment: I like this one. Previously published:, Date: 2015-08-19 #### #### # ### # # $ # # $#.# # ## .# ## #$#.# # # .# # #$#.# ## # # # #$ @# # ##### #### Title: 38 Five In A Row Comment: Think it is ok. But I like this one less. Previously published:, Date: 2015-08-22 ######## # # # *** # # *@* # # *** ## # # # #### #### Title: 39 Nice And Easy Author: Bernard + Tyge Fogh Comment: An elegant looking level found at Reduced the floor by one. Like most small puzzles many give it a try. 50+ at SokobanOnline I think. Previously published:, Date: 2015-08-23 ##### # # ### ### # *** # # *@* # ###*** # # ### # # ##### Title: 40 Nice And Not So Easy Comment: This one I made myself. Checked nobody ever made it before. Previously Date: 2015-08-24 ###### # # ### # ### # **** # # *@ * # # * * # ########## Title: 41 Page Two Comment: A beautiful simple design. A favorite of mine. Previously published: Date: 2015-08-25 # ## ### # ## ########### ## # ## #.**********$ ## # @ ### ########### ## # ## ### ## # Title: 42 Next Comment: You can find 100.000+ sokoban levels on the net and still nobody ever made this simple design. The puzzle, not the arrow. Amazing. Previously published:, Right) Date: 2015-09-05 ####### # # # # $ # ### #*# ### # *+* # # *** # # $ #.# $ # ### . ### ####### Title: 43 Working Out Remodel Author: Chaib + Tyge Fogh Comment: Original level found at Reduced floors by 4 and rearranged goal area. Previously published:, Date: 2015-08-28 #### #### #### # $ .* $ # # # ** # # # # .. # # # ##$ # ### @ ### ###### Title: 44 2x3 Comment: Idea from David Hollands Maelstrom 18. Davids goal area was 2x4. Refound the puzzle because somebody had snatched it and published it as his/her own. Too high quality for a single publication. Checked my collection and of course, Bingo. Previously published: No Date: 2015-09-10 ####### # ## # . # ######.# # # ## ##.# # # $ #.# # # $$$ #.# # # @$ #. # # $#$ .# # # $ #.##### ##### # ##### Title: 45 Elegance Comment: Making this puzzle the solver suddenly found an elegant unexpected solution. That made room for a box more. Previously published: Date: 2015-09-22 ##### ######### # # .....# # # @$ # ## ####### ## # # $# ### #$# # # $ $## #### # ##### Title: 46 Row514 Comment: The title? Goal is five in a row. Layout no 14 was final level. Previously published: Date: 2015-09-25 ####### # # ##$# #$#### # .....* # # #$##$#$ # # # # ### #@## ## # # ######## Title: 47 An Easy Six Comment: Wont keep you sleepless. Previously published: No Date: 2015-09-27 ######### # # # # # # # # $$.$$@# ##..*..## # $ . # # # #$# # # # # ######### Title: 48 5x3 Comment: This one neither Previously published: No Date: 2015-10-03 # ### # ### ##.## ##.$.## ## $.$ ## ## . $ . ## ## * .#. * ## # $ *###* $ # # $ # $ # # # @ # ############# Title: 49 Prayers Remodel Comment: Idea from "Prayers" by Bodler. Put a cross on top and published at SokobanOnline Christmas 2015 with the title "Happy Christmas" Previously published:, Date: 2015-10-03 ##### # # ## # ## # ####### # # # # ##.## $ # # ## #.####$ # ##### #....$ $ # ## #....## $ # # #$##.##$## # # $ $ * #@ # # # $ ###### # #####$#### # # ######### Title: 50 Whatever Comment: Decided to do something with a crossshaped goal. Previously published: (Crosses) Date: 2015-10-05